The idea for this post came from the last couple weekends. Two weeks ago I was at West Denver TU tying clinic and had my fly box out on the table and was amazed how people stop to look at my fly boxes . Then this last Saturday I was doing a tying demo at Rocky Mountain Anglers in Boulder and had my fly boxes out. Again they where looked at a lot. So I got this idea to give you a tour of my fly boxes, this could take a while. I'm going to start out with my midge box. I organize my midge box by color. I took these picture with a fairly high setting on my mega pixels so you can really zoom in on them.
Side 1 Reds and blacks, how different black midges can one person have.
Side 2 - Whites and olives
Side 3 - Pearls, browns, copper and some zebras at the bottom.
Side 4 - RS-2's, crystal midges and open spots.
Need a little work to get this box complete
If you have any questions please leave a comment.