Sunday, October 25, 2009

Trying something New - Paraloop Hackle

Trying something new, para loop hackles. I decided to learn a new skill in fly tying this morning. Para loop hackles flies are a fly I have enjoyed looking at. I took my favorite nymph emerger and tied it with a para loop hackle. Once you learn a few little tricks para loop hackles are fairly easy to tie. You tube has a few videos with para loop hackles tying instructions.
Biot Emerger Paraloop
Hook: TMC 2457 Size 16
Thread: 14/0 Grey
Tail: Amber Z-lon
Abdomen: Olive/Brown Goose Biot
Hackle post: 2lb mono
Hackle: Grizzly
Legs: Grey Fluoro Fibre - hard too see, not necessary
Thorax: Natural Muskrat

Can't wait to try this fly on my next trip, BWO hatch here I come.


  1. Gorgeous ties. I have yet to attempt a paraloop. I now have some motivation.

  2. They are a lot easier than they look. Give them a try. Added bonus they fish great

  3. Do you have any video on this tie?
