Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rubber Leg BH "D" Rib Golden Stone Nymph (Been resiting the urge)

I had been trying to resit the urge to tie my "D" rib stone with rubber legs, until yesterday. I was tying at the Anglers All Clave yesterday and wanted to try something new. I had seen Theo's Rubbermaid stone and thought it looked cool. So I broke down and tied my "D" rib stone with rubber legs and it looks pretty cool. I was hoping to field test today that will have to wait a weekend.  I'm using a light brown super floss from Umpqua for the legs. The proportions on this fly is a little off. The abdomen need to be a little longer, other than that I'm pretty pleased with the way the fly turned out. I can't bring my self to use the rubber material for the tails so I left the biots for the tails. Tell me what you think.


  1. I like the biots for the tail as well...the flies look great, I always like the look the d rib gives the abdomen, the rubber legs only add to an already fishy looking fly. great fly!

  2. Another vote for the biot tail from me.. sweet tie! The legs look great with the knotted knee joint, and I'm diggin the 6 legs instead of the lazy 4.

  3. Crap! I need some of those tomorrow. Crazy adventure in the morning.

  4. Awesome fly, and I love the legs....really buggy.
