This is the next fly I want to add tying steps for. The name of this the BWO Biot Emerger. This fly has been a all year success. I keep this fly in primarily 3 sizes 18, 20 & 22. I also tie it with out the flash back. The BWO Biot Emerger is also been picked up by Montana Fly Company. It is in there 2010 catalog. Hope you enjoy, give a few a try you will be happy
Material list
Hook: Scud hook Size 18 to 22
Thread: 8/0 grey
Tail: Amber Z-lon
Abdomen: Olive/Brown Goose biot
Wing case #1: UTC Mirage opal tinsel
Wing Case #2: Grey Flourofibre
Thorax: Adams Grey Dubbing
Legs: Grey Flourofibre

Step 1: Attach thread to hook, bind down amber Z-lon 1/2 way down the bend of the hook. Also start soaking a olive/brown goose biot.

Step 2: Attach olive/brown goose biot. I tie in the goose biot notch up, this will create a smooth segmented body.

Step 3: Wrap the olive/brown goose biot forward to the 70% point. Over lap the wrap back onto the previous wrap. This will flatten out the ridge that stands up on the goose biot.

Step 4: Tie of goose biot and move thread to the 50% point of the hook. Tie in UTC Mirage opal tinsel on the top of the hook shank. Bind down to the 50% point of the fly

Step 5: Tie in 8 to 10 strands of grey flurofibre on top of the hook, bind down to the 50% point of the fly.

Step 6:Dub a nice thorax, leave a little extra space at the eye.

Step 7: Pull all the strands of the flurofibre forward and bind down with 2 wraps. Be careful not to get carried away with to many wraps of thread.

Step 8: Separate the flurofibre into 2 equal bunches, pull the flurofibre on the far side of the hook back and bind down with 2 wraps of thread. Then pull back the flurofibre back on the near side of the hook and bind down with 2 wraps of thread. At this point you should have equal size bunches of flurofibre on each side of hook

Step 9: Trim flurofibre just past the back of the thorax, this will create your legs. Than pull the UTC Mirage opal tinsel forward and bind down with 2 wraps. Than pull the UTC mirage opal tinsel back and bind down with 2 wraps, trim tinsel and whip finish.

Finished fly, please note the nice clean head of this fly. If you don't pay attention to your thread wraps you can loose control of this head very easily. So keep all you tie in's to 2 wraps. Also use as small as thread as possible. You should be using at the minimum 8/0.

Another angle of the finished fly.