Yong Special
This pattern has been around for a while. The fly originated by Andy Kim. A very simple pattern to tie but very effective in the water. With all the midge patterns out there today how do you choose what to fish with. I like patterns that are simple to tie, also very durable. This pattern meets both requirements. Also a bonus with this fly, you buy a spool of Coats & Clark thread and you tie a lifetime of flies. If this pattern is tied correctly it creates a highly segmented body. This is how I tie the fly, the original pattern is tied a little different. Thanks to Norm Frechette for heads up for this link. Hear is a link to an article written by Rick Takahashi with tying instructions.

There are many colors of thread available. These are some of the colors I like from left to right. Metallic white, summer brown, olive, cream & tan. Here are the steps and a few helpful hints in tying the Yong Special.

Material List
Hook: TMC 101 size 18 thru 24
Thread: 10/0 white
Abdomen: Coats and Clark thread - your color of choice
Head: Black marker

Step 1 - Start your thread behind the eye of the hook. Tie in the Coats & Clark thread. Keep your tying thread really flat.

Step 2 - Tie the thread down all the way to the bend of the hook. keeping a flat smooth under body.

Step 3 - Wrap the Coats & Clark thread forward. Before wrapping forward, cord up the thread by spinning clockwise. If you cord up the thread tightly you will get the highly segmented body.

Step 4 - Tie of the Coats & Clark thread. Color your thread with a black marker, create the head of the fly. Whip finish and cement.

Finished fly brown

Finished fly olive
Give this pattern a try, simple to tie. Simple materials, highly effective in the water