Got the chance to get out for the day to one of my favorite rivers. Arrived at the parking lot about 6:oo am, first car into the lot. Shortly after I started to gear up, two more cars pulled in. Started hiking in to the canyon about 6:45am, trying to come up with a game plan on where to fish. Decided to start fishing about mid point on the river. I call the area tree rock, because in the middle of the river is a big rock with a tree growing out of it. My first set was a size 14 golden stone nymph followed by a size 16 pheasant tail, followed by size 18 biot emerger. After about the 5th cast my indicator flat out disappeared, set the hook and after a few minutes I had this 18" rainbow into the net.

Worked to hole for about another hour picking up about 3 more fish. About mid morning I was noticing consistence fish rising on the other side of river. So I decided to change spots and dry my luck with a dry fly. After I relocated to the other side of the river I figured out it was a nice PMD hatch going on. Rigged up the rod with a size 16 parachute PMD, dropped a size 20 PMD emerger below. Sat there and watched refusal after refusal so I had to try something different. I took of the emerger and tied on a size 20 PMD compare dun. First cast with the compare dun on I landed this 16" rainbow. Fished the same area picking up a few more little fish. It has been a while since I fished a dry fly almost forgot how much fun it is to fish a dry fly.

Started working my way back to the car fishing my way out. I noticed this purple beetle on a tree stump. Never seen one this color before. I also watch a doe and fawn just of the trail from me. Did fish to much until I reached the lower river. Took advantage of the meat hole not being fished. Promptley landed a 17" rainbow and 16" brown. The one thing I noticed was how empty the river was for a Sunday. Then I realized NFL football is starting.

Overall it was a great day, fishing was great, scenery was great. Weather was awesome.