Sunday, November 27, 2011

Fly #5 in Tying Class, BH Prince Nymph

Fly #5 in my fly Tying class is the BH Prince Nymph.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Stuffed Series Nymphs

I have been playing around with my stuffed series of nymphs. Changed the dubbing on thorax, was using Arizona Synthetic Peacock. I'm now using a blend of Squirrel SLF Spikey dubbing and the matching color in UV Ice Dubbing. Changed the wingcase material toWonder wrap in a matching color. The Squirrel SLF Spikey Dudding is super cool. The beads are all still the same Montana Fly Luccent Tungsten Beads.

Stuffed Olive

Stuffed Olive

 The reason for the changes was the new color of Luccent bead that came out called Deep blue. Came up with a new color combo in the stuffed series called the Stuffed Blue

Hook: 1xl nymph hook
Bead: Luccent Tungsten Deep Blue
Thread: 8/0 Grey
Rib: Lagartun fine peacock blue and X-SM silver
Tail: Coq De Lon fibers
Abdomen: 8/0 Grey Thread
Wing case: Wonder Wrap Dun Color
Thorax: Grey Squirrel SLF Spikey Dubbing mixed with Grey UV Ice Dubbing

The New Stuffed Blue

Stuffed Blue

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011