Trying something new, para loop hackles. I decided to learn a new skill in fly tying this morning. Para loop hackles flies are a fly I have enjoyed looking at. I took my favorite nymph emerger and tied it with a para loop hackle. Once you learn a few little tricks para loop hackles are fairly easy to tie. You tube has a few videos with para loop hackles tying instructions.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Versatility of a Phesant Tail Nymph
I was looking in my mayfly nymph box today and noticed all the different variations of the pheasant tail nymph I carry. So It got me thinking is there a more versatile nymph than the pheasant tail nymph. Here are examples of the pheasant tail nymph I carry in my fly box.
Standard PT nymph natural
Sizes 16 thru 20
Standard PT nymph olive color
Sizes 16 thru 20
Standard PT nymph black color
Sizes 16 thru 20
Stand PT nymph black/red color
Sizes 16 thru 20
Soft Hackle PT nymph
Sizes 16 and 18
Flash Back Bead Head PT nymph natural
Sizes 16 and 18
Red BH PT Nymph
Sizes 16 and 18
Mercury Bead PT nymph
Sizes 16 thru 20
The question is can a person carry to many pheasant tail nymphs?
Is there a more versatile nymph than the Pheasant Tail Nymph?